Sunday, December 1, 2024

It's Been a Great Year: Pictures in Review for Innovative College Teaching Book

Here's a sampling of pictures sent by readers and chapter contributors. Thank you all for your kindness this year! Very grateful, Perry






Sunday, November 10, 2024

Innovative College Teaching 1-Hour Presentations and Half-Day Teacher Workshop


Embracing AI in Your College Classroom (1 Hour)

The presenter shares lessons from his book, Innovative College Teaching (2024) on how to use generative artificial intelligence to engage students and inspire their learning. Flipping classes with AI may hold the key to student engagement and retention, by creating dynamic impromptu group activities based on assigned podcasts. You can design real-world hypotheticals quickly with AI, sensitize students to the positive uses and limitations of the technology, and develop students’ critical thinking skills by devising solutions through teamwork and then testing how those solutions measure up to AI’s answers. These activities demonstrate the accuracy and possible flaws of relying on AI. This session will be interactive, with participants sharing their experiences so we learn from each other. The group will also discover future trends to embrace student-generated AI projects, with a demonstration and discussion of this technology’s benefits and challenges as a teaching tool.

Innovative College Teaching (1 Hour)

Based on lessons from the book, Innovative College Teaching (2024), participants will learn how to make the first day and every day of class inspiring and impactful; explore methods to flip the in-person college classroom; determine whether the structure of an online class should mirror your in-person class; discover a world without PowerPoint; use AI to develop active learning exercises; embrace why effective teaching is more improvisation than the “sage on the stage;” and ignite, re-ignite, or maintain your passion for teaching. This session will be interactive, with group members sharing their experiences so we learn from each other.

Email Perry for details on the half-day workshop: