Thursday, March 28, 2013

Conference Paper on Using Classroom Response Systems to Teach Ethics

I'm presenting this paper in the next few months...

The Intersection of Ethical Decision-Making Modules and
Classroom Response Systems in Business Education

Perry Binder, J.D.
Assistant Professor of Legal Studies
J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University


I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates. Steve Jobs, 2001

This paper supports the idea that cutting-edge classroom technology tools can blend seamlessly with “old school” teaching techniques, and produce a higher quality of student learning.  More specifically, it discusses how Classroom Response Systems (CRS) provide the crucial classroom ingredient for frank ethical discussions in business courses: Anonymity.  To teach ethics in business, I use a module entitled Ethical Decision-Making in Contract Negotiations (business scenarios fraught with ethical dilemmas), and ask questions which challenge students’ moral codes and levels of empathy.  With an old school “raise your hand” feedback method, there is a high probability that students will not provide candid responses (or they may not respond at all), for fear of what peers and/or the professor may think.  Alternatively, by utilizing CRS, I get anonymous feedback and 100% class participation.  However, there is an ongoing debate in academia on whether Clicker (Hardware) Technologies should be utilized or the emerging Free Application Technologies.  The former is an effective tool, yet it is expensive for students to purchase and their professors may use different devices in class.  On the other hand, all of my students bring a smartphone, tablet, or laptop to class, thus permitting the use of free CRS apps. These apps are easy to use and are equipped with multiple choice, short answer, and true/false questions/polling features.  The results of each question are instantly viewable by students on the classroom projection screen, whether the professor uses a computer or a document camera to project data from a smartphone or tablet.  In sum, this paper details my model to teach ethics, which is adaptable across the curriculum.  The model is divided into three sections: (1) CRS student reaction multiple choice questions on ethics, leverage, and empathy, prior to discussing the Ethical Decision-Making in Contract Negotiations module; (2) Introduction and discussion of the module; and (3) CRS post-module reinforcement multiple choice questions which assess what students learned about themselves.  Finally, this paper addresses the classroom limitations of merging traditional teaching methods with app technology, most particularly when the technology fails.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

99 Motivators - Top Takeaways for Success in Picking a Major or Career Path


-  The media shapes our impressions of what different careers are like.  Research the benefits and challenges of your major and career path by interviewing people who work in that industry, and by securing an internship in that field.

-  Keep an open mind when choosing a major or career path.  Base these decisions on your likes, dislikes, personality, and work style, rather than on the expectations placed on you by family and peers.

-  Don’t let anyone crush your dreams.  However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be.


Based on College Success Motivators 1-33, list three specific goals you will work on this year.




Monday, February 25, 2013

College Success Motivator #10 - Do what you love but don’t let your career choices jeopardize...



Do what you love but don’t let your career choices jeopardize anyone you love.  Including yourself.  Translation: Take care of others but don’t forget to take care of yourself, sometimes before others.  Listen to our airline flight attendants: “Put your own oxygen mask on first before assisting others with their masks.”

Sunday, February 24, 2013

College Success Motivator #9 - Sometimes, doing the things your family or friends expect you to...



Sometimes, doing the things your family or friends expect you to achieve in your career might be the wrong path for you.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

College Success Motivator #8 - The most important thing for deciding on a major or career path is to...



The most important thing for deciding on a major or career path is to get out of the classroom and into an internship which exposes you to the day-to-day ups and downs of that profession.  Learning by doing will give you a better appreciation of the job than learning through textbooks.

Friday, February 22, 2013

College Success Motivator #7 - Make sure your dream job is not an avocation...



Make sure your dream job is not an avocation. (a hobby)  An avocation is a vacation from a vocation, because the pay ranges from little to nothing.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

College Success Motivator #6 - There is a huge difference between a childhood dream and a dream job...



There is a huge difference between a childhood dream and a dream job.  If you dreamed of being a lawyer since the age of twelve, you better make sure you know exactly what attorneys do on a given twelve hour work day.

Did You Know… In a 2007 survey of 800 attorneys, only 55 percent reported being satisfied with their career.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

College Success Motivator #5 - If you have no backup plan in a career...



If you have no backup plan in a career like acting, you not only need a fervent belief in your talent – you better have the talent to stay on a tight rope with no safety net beneath you.  For more traditional fields, you will likely have an easier time transitioning into your dream job. (For example, Chemistry majors who didn’t get accepted into a medical school can hopefully work for a year in that field and reapply to medical schools the following year.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

College Success Motivator #4 - Don’t let anyone crush your dreams. However...



Don’t let anyone crush your dreams.  However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be.

Monday, February 18, 2013

College Success Motivator #3 - Every Career has an Arc



Every career has an arc, and you are at the beginning of the curve.  Don’t be surprised if your career direction changes significantly a few times before and after you reach the peak.

Did You Know… The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has not attempted to estimate the number of times people change careers in the course of their working lives.  However, in September 2010, the Bureau found that from age 18 to age 44, individuals held an average of 11 jobs.