Saturday, November 28, 2020

Book Reviews: 99 Motivators for College Success


As an avid reader, I've enjoyed interacting with fellow readers on  In addition, this site has given me a great forum as an author to interact with readers of 99 Motivators for College Success.

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Perry Binder on GoodReads 

1- Sample GoodReads Reviews for 99 Motivators for College Success 

- Right now I am a high school student and I'm going to be taking a Law Studies class my Junior year and I think this book will be very useful.
- Received this book in a giveaway, but its advice is WAY more valuable than that might hint. The one that really sticks out (and could have saved me a lot of wasted time) is how you should choose a vocation (pays well!) versus an avocation (hobby; little or no pay!).
The book is divided into three sections: how to adjust to college, how to succeed in class, and how to properly apply your degree to your future career.  Of the career section, the best advice numbers came with the bureau of labor statistic inserts, allowing an influence and perspective into the quote or advice. In succeeding in class, the most helpful pages had advice on mentors and how to properly write an essay or take a multiple choice test. The Adjusting to college had a huge emphasis placed on making friends and overall enjoying life because that is what one should be doing at college.  Overall, it was a great book. Only problem is that I am now freaking out over my career prospects. Oh well!

2- Sample Amazon Reviews 
- I have enjoyed reading this book. It was quite helpful in getting me motivated for the right reasons. I would definitely recommend it for other college students.
- Fantastic book and a quick read. Perry is a motivating professor; which is carried forward into his writing. Purchase the book you will be satisfied.
Perry Binder really knows how to make the apprehension that surrounds such a daunting period easy to overcome using his logical and common sense view points. Although this is a short read, the wisdom found between the covers provides insight for everyone and will keep you coming back as a source of inspiration and motivation for years to come. Having been fortunate enough to experience his teaching first hand, I know these motivators are based on real world experiences that he has gained as a practicing attorney and professor. His gift is his ability to break down complex issues into their simplest common denominators so they can be easily analyzed and resolved. Perry is able to provide thoughtful insight to the seemingly obvious or create that "aha" moment that the reader will find humorous and enlightening. As with all of Professor Binder's books, the reader will discover that the truth will set you free and leave you with a smile on your face.

3- Perry's Former Students - Testimonials on Perry's Classes

Sunday, October 11, 2020

99 Motivators for College Success will soon have 200,000 Unique Site Visitors

Also in 2020, 99 Motivators was sent to hundreds of rising high school seniors as part of Randolph College's Book Award program (2016-present).

Thank you for your support. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Outstanding Article Award from ALSB


Honored to receive this award -- co-authors and JLSE journal editors improved the article immensely.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Just Published: The Entrepreneurs with No Garage Project

Entrepreneurs with No Garage is a team project in my Tech Law for Entrepreneurs course, focusing on the most common mistakes that people make when forming a business without legal counsel. In the assignment, students assume the role of a hypothetical business partner in a start-up with only $500 for initial legal costs. Students participate in exercises that allocate these funds; assess personal and company risk levels; draft a Shareholder Agreement entailing different roles and capital contributions; and write a Work for Hire agreement with a clause conferring intellectual property ownership. 
Click here for the journal article  

Monday, May 18, 2020

Ebay Review: 99 Motivators for College Success

Great College Prep Read: "99 Motivators for College Success" is a fantastic read for anyone in college. It makes a particularly great gift for high school seniors preparing to start their first year of college or even just considering it. The book is easy to read and humorous while providing incredibly accurate and valuable advice for how to make the most of attending college.
Click Here for Amazon Reviews

Friday, April 10, 2020

Moving Classroom Humor Online

Ten years ago, I wrote an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Making a Case for Classroom Humor:
I never dreamed of being a college professor. Does anybody? When my third-grade teacher asked us about our dream job, Molly said, “Astronaut.” Evan, “An actor.” Perry: “Obtain a terminal degree and lecture on legal morasses.”  
Whether you teach third grade or nuclear physics, every student wants a good laugh. As teacher accountability objectives collide with shorter attention spans, laughter is the secret ingredient to keep everyone on task.

As we teach online, I am searching for ways to mirror humor and learning outside the classroom.  For example, I just conducted a virtual class meeting with headphones and a graduation gown since I have so many seniors in Internet Law. After posting this picture, I posed these questions to students: Does this photograph violate the university logo's copyright and trademark, or is it a "fair use?" More relevant, how badly does this picture tarnish the university's brand?!

Over the summer, I am teaching another class online. To me, the first day is the most important session because it sets the tone for the semester. I usually tell a story about visiting a student in jail late at night. He was wrongly imprisoned and frightened when I arrived but eventually I got him to smile (and got him an attorney). That story can be seen in this YouTube video (3 minutes), where the takeaway is that the law is serious business but we will learn about it with a little bit of humor. I would like to make my first virtual summer class equally impactful.

My question to all of the hard-working college professors and K-12 teachers currently teaching online: How are you making your class challenging, memorable, and of course, funny? Please post your success stories on Twitter: @Perry_Binder.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Speaking on #IP for STE(A)M Students

Great time as usual with #GSU students.
Dig the PPT/projector created white beard?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

PERRY’S 10 L.I.G.H.T. B.U.L.B.S. for Teachers

For the new year, have you replaced your LIGHT BULBS?

PERRY’S 10 L.I.G.H.T. B.U.L.B.S. for Teachers

L. isten to all learners
I. nspire them with real world discussions
G. ive hope to everyone
H. eap compliments on students for quality work
T. each to your strengths

B. e available at all times, whether in person or electronically
U. nderstand that students may lack your life experience or knowledge
L. earn from your learners
B. e willing to walk in your students’ shoes
S. tay within yourself

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

10 Motivators for Professional Success in 2020

Posted on LinkedIn.  Happy New Year!

10 Motivators for Professional Success in 2020

1. Don't let anyone crush your professional dreams. However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be.
2. Live life with no regrets. Sometimes doing the “wrong" career thing may be the right thing for you. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences.
3. The most important thing during school …

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

10 Tips for Picking a Career Path in College a/k/a Don't Follow Walter White's Path

From my Huffington Post archives...
In the sage words of Yogi Berra, “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll be lost when you get there.”  Picking a career path boils down to a cost benefit analysis and a gut check.  It is a game of reality versus passion, and you can start blazing a meaningful path in college.  But hopefully you can appreciate that every career has an arc, and you are at the beginning of the curve.  Don’t be surprised if your career direction  changes significantly a few times before and after you reach the peak. With that message in mind, here are my 10 tips for picking a career path in college: 1.  Don’t let anyone crush your dreams.  However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be. Click to Continue Reading