Thursday, February 15, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Perry Binder

Me: Make your classes interactive with activities solving real world problems. Encourage students to be confident in their fact-based opinions and continually challenge or “teach the teacher.” For example, in my Internet Law class, students know more than me about emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, crypto, and NFTs. While I can teach the legal limits of technology, it is the energy of students which carries this class, as they educate me. This shift in roles grew my skills as a college professor. Ultimately, I want my classes to not only be student-centered but life-centered as well.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Master Teacher Laura Meyers

Laura E. Meyers: “Unlearn. We need to deconstruct what we know and consider how we learned this and who it favors. Unlearning is one way to reduce bias and, in turn, harm. Unlearning can lead to allyship (and more) which is beneficial to our students (and us) in ‘becoming’ educators. Aren’t we always growing and becoming?”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Master Teacher Leila Lawlor

Leila Lawlor: “If you have chosen to teach, you have chosen to place students at the center of your professional universe. Tell them. They will appreciate knowing how much you want them to thrive, to enjoy your teaching, and to meet their academic and professional goals. As you get to know your students, they will surely appreciate your interest in their lives and goals.”

Monday, February 12, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Master Teacher Jody Blanke (Mercer University)

Jody Blanke: “I like to teach by example. I think it is much easier to understand an idea if you can see it in action, rather than merely in the abstract. Quite often you can discuss the nuances of the topic by simply varying the facts of the example.”


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Amazon #1 Best Seller in Teacher & Student Mentoring: Innovative College Teaching

Some of my favorite books are in this category, including Tuesdays with Morrie and The Happy Teacher Habits.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Master Teacher Evaristo Fernando Doria

Evaristo Fernando Doria:“I am enthusiastic about expanding my efforts to create more cross-border interdisciplinary learning experiences. Such experiences not only prompt participants to critically analyze novel ideas and challenges but also encourage them to delve into the intricate intersections of various fields of study while developing their global mindset.”

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Speaking on Novel Teaching Techniques @ Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment conference

I'll be presenting takeaways from the Classroom LIGHTBULBS book as well as "How to Teach with AI" from Innovative College Teaching.  

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Innovative College Teaching Key Takeaway from Yelena Abalmazova Chan, Esq.

Yelena Abalmazova Chan: “Encourage students to explore all careers, classes, and topics that interest them. I really believe it’s a duty we have as instructors. I see some students tied to a major just because that’s what they chose based on pretty much no research or experience, and they clearly have no passion for it. There is nothing wrong with majoring in accounting but consider interning at a bakery if that’s something that piques their interest. Sometimes hearing that from an authority figure like a college professor is encouraging and gives students the permission to explore outside the box.”  

Monday, February 5, 2024

Master Teacher Diana Barber's Key Takeaway: Innovative College Teaching

Diana S. Barber, J.D.'s Key Takeaway: “I use numerous techniques to stay engaged with students, including intelligent agents that will automatically send email messages to students if they miss a quiz or assignment, as a reminder that I am available to assist and that their success is important to me.”