Monday, September 17, 2012

Justice Story Updates: Grandpa = Yes; Jesse = No; 9/11 = Maybe

For those following the justice stories I've written about over the past two years:

Good News: Marsh Fork Elementary is expected to be completed in December 2012!
Grandpa versus Big Coal
"This is not an environmental issue. This is about a little human being." -- Ed Wiley (Grandpa) speaking to then West Virginia Governor (now U.S. Senator) Manchin

It is now over two years since the U.S. Court of Appeals found  "a reasonable likelihood that Jesse Friedman was wrongfully convicted" and that "the police, prosecutors and the [trial] judge did everything they could to coerce a guilty plea and avoid a trial."   The Nassau DA investigative panel convened in November 2010, and has not released its findings to date.
"Capturing the Friedmans" Dad was my Unforgettable Teacher: Apply His Classroom Lessons to Set His Son Free
Intellectually, I know you cannot separate the person [Arnold Friedman] from the teacher. For me, it is contradictory and maddening that this person provided meaningful guidance to countless students.   I don't know if Jesse is innocent, but I do believe he was pressured into accepting a plea deal and his guilt cannot be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt." At the moment, his status as a sex offender is in the hands of prosecutors, who hopefully can apply Arnold Friedman's classroom lessons of compassion, rather than implicate Jesse by default for his father's sins.

While the Bavis family unexpectedly settled its wrongful death civil case, the airlines and airport security firms are likely headed to trial before Judge Hellerstein, in a related civil case filed by the WTC property owners.
The Upcoming 9/11 Trial isn't about Money but Elusive Justice
"Money is the universal lubricant. It makes it easier to go on with one's life."
-- Judge Alvin Hellerstein

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Press for 99 Motivators for College Success Book


The Huffington Post - Book excerpts reprinted
10 Tips for Picking a Career Path in College
10 Tips for Thriving in College Life
10 Classroom Tips for Your First College Semester

Teacher's Gazette - Book excerpts reprinted
- 10 Career Path Tips to Guide Your Students
- Light Bulb Moments for New Teachers

North Fulton: GSU professor's book helps transition to college

Patch: Book Gives Tips for College Success

Pipe Dream: BU grad writes book to help new college students

Mr. Binder is the Michael Jordan of teaching!  Harlem Duru
I will never forget coming back from surgery and the first thing he does is start the class on a welcome back chant for me.  Kevin Clodfelter
Perry Binder was not only a Professor, but a Mentor.  His classes were not about memorizing material, but taking it and applying to real-life scenarios.  Lizette Olaechea
Perry's class was more than just another class for me, it was a decision making catalyst, and had a huge impact on my future.  Kevin Crayon
The Dallas Morning News Business Book Review
Binder's 44 lessons "make so much sense"
The Signal Book Review
Hilarious ... motivational, and a funny pick-me-up
Office Arrow Book Review
Perry's heartfelt commencement address is perhaps one of the most moving pieces of writing I've read in some time.


FOX-TV Atlanta - Employees who blog on and off company time
Court TV Radio - Duke Lacrosse Sexual Allegations
ESPN Classic - Discussed controversial sports figures, including O.J. Simpson, Pete Rose, and Tonya Harding
WGST Radio, Atlanta, GA - Wal-Mart Class action Certification
CBS Radio News (Nationwide) - 9/11 Compensation Fund deadline
AP Radio (Nationwide) - 9/11 Compensation Fund deadline
WRVA, Richmond, VA - 9-11 Litigation
CFRB, Toronto, Canada - 9-11 Litigation
WSYR, Syracuse, NY - 9/11 Compensation Fund issues
KXLY, Spokane, WA - 9/11 Compensation Fund issues
WSB-TV Action News, Atlanta, GA - McDonald's Contest Fraud case


Employment Law
Papa Joe Chevalier Syndicated Radio Show  - New York Knicks/MSG Sexual Harassment case
Newsday  - New York Knicks/MSG Sexual Harassment case
Atlanta Business Chronicle - Let Employees Write Blogs (Viewpoint)
Spirit Magazine - Blog policy for employees
FOX-TV Atlanta - Employees who blog on and off company time
Associated Press - Legal experts see signs of trouble for Wal-Mart's Coughlin
Financial Times - Wal-Mart Class action Certification
Atlanta Journal Constitution - Wal-Mart Class action Certification
Associated Press (over 100 newspapers) - Wal-Mart Gender Discrimination
USA Today - Wal-Mart Gender Discrimination
Associated Press - Wal-Mart Gender Discrimination

Tort and Contract Litigation
Court TV Radio - Duke Lacrosse Sexual Allegations (Criminal/Civil Implications)
MSNBC/Minneapolis Star Tribune - N.Y. sues Guidant over its defibrillators
Atlanta Journal Constitution - Employer liable for employee's accident (driving while on cell phone)
Rocky Mountain News - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
MSNBC & Orange County Register - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
Philadelphia Inquirer/San Jose Mercury News - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
News Daily - Home Depot/Isuzu Lawsuit
Associated Press - 9/11 Compensation Fund Office Closes
Associated Press (over 20 newspapers) - 9/11 Compensation Fund
The New York Times - 9/11 Compensation Fund issues
The New York Times - 9/11 Litigation

E-Commerce Issues
Cox News Services - Ringtones becoming more personalized
Christian Science Monitor/CBS News/ABC News - YouTube and Copyright Laws
Spirit Magazine - Blog policy for employees
FOX-TV Atlanta - Employees who blog on and off company time
Times-Herald - Music downloading
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Music copyright lawsuit
Investor's Business Daily - Domain Name issues
The Freelance Star, Fredericksburg, VA - Domain Name issues
The Columbian, Vancouver, WA - Domain Name issues

Sports Issues
Papa Joe Chevalier Syndicated Radio Show  
- New York Knicks/MSG Sexual Harassment case
 Roger Clemens case
Newsday  - New York Knicks/MSG Sexual Harassment case
Court TV Radio - Duke Lacrosse Sexual Allegations
ESPN Classic - Discussed controversial sports figures, including O.J. Simpson, Pete Rose, and Tonya Harding
Rocky Mountain News - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
MSNBC & Orange County Register - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
Philadelphia Inquirer/San Jose Mercury News - Kobe Bryant Civil Case
Fox News - Politics at the Olympics
Russia Profile magazine - Moscow and the 2012 Olympic Bid

Contact Perry
Perry Binder, J.D.
MPI Platinum Program Speaker, 2009-present

Perry Binder
P.O. Box 3774
Alpharetta, GA 30023

Friday, September 7, 2012

Proud Teacher Moment: Student Publishes Opinion Piece in The Huffington Post

One of my students published this opinion piece, timed to the one-year anniversary of the execution of Troy Davis in Georgia.  In the Introduction to Law class, we discussed many topics, including the criminal justice systems in the U.S. and Italy.

Troy Davis Would be Alive and Possibly Free Today if Re-Tried like Amanda Knox in Italy
by Samaria Smith

As I recall the minutes after his death, I think of the rage in my heart as I desperately sought understanding on how any system of justice could presume to be so perfect as to take a life for a life. Several months later, I carried my rage to Florence, Italy where I studied abroad in a Georgia State University law class, which compared the U.S. and Italian justice systems.

In Italy, I wrote about the case of Troy Davis -- the black Georgia man convicted of the 1989 shooting death of police officer Mark MacPhail. Simply stated, Davis's conviction, sentence, and lethal injection were administered under a reasonable amount of reasonable doubt.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Teacher's Gazette: 10 Career Path Tips to Guide Your Students

I reprinted this article on one of my favorite Teacher websites, which has incredible resources for new or seasoned K-12 Teachers.

10 Career Path Tips to Guide Your Students

In the sage words of Yogi Berra, “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll be lost when you get there.” Picking a career path boils down to a cost benefit analysis and a gut check. It is a game of reality versus passion, and your students can start blazing a meaningful path in high school.
But hopefully students can appreciate that every career has an arc, and they aren’t even at the beginning of the curve. Don’t be surprised if their career direction changes significantly a few times before and after they reach the peak.
With that message in mind, here are my 10 career path tips to guide your students:
1. Don’t let anyone crush your dreams. However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be.
2. There is a huge difference between a childhood dream and a dream job. If you dreamed of being a lawyer since the age of twelve, you better make sure you know exactly what attorneys do on a given twelve hour work day. Did You Know: In a survey of 800 attorneys, only 55 percent reported being satisfied with their career.
3. Make sure your dream job is not an avocation (a hobby). An avocation is a vacation from a vocation, because the pay ranges from little to nothing.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Published: Academic Article on Group Activities for College Students

I believe that group activities reinforce student learning at the college level.  I incorporate many of these projects in New Top-Level Domain Names Add .xxxtra Company Burden – Group Activities For Creating Effective Domain Registration Portfolios, 14 ATLANTIC LAW JOURNAL 114-145 (2012)

There is no free internet link to this article, but below is an excerpt of what this topic is about:

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the intersection of trademark law and domain name law; identify the means for a company to retrieve domain names through litigation or domain name arbitration; develop a decision tree to determine which domains are worth pursuing with legal action; and share interactive teaching methods on how students can create a domain name business portfolio. 

These activities include an:

1. In-class module to conduct a state and federal trademark search, followed by a discussion on how trademark law impacts domain name selection;

2. Out-of-class group project to study the domain portfolio of a large corporation, identify available domain names that the company should consider registering, reveal select domain names in the hands of cybersquatters, and analyze the risk of pursuing legal action; and

3. In-class reinforcement group activity to start a business on a “shoestring” budget, focusing on decision making skills for purchasing domain names.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"99 Motivators for College Success" in The GSU Signal

In this week's GSU Signal, student reporter Laura Apperson wrote up an excellent piece about the book.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Tips for Picking a Career Path in College

In today's Huffington Post...

In the sage words of Yogi Berra, "if you don't know where you're going, you'll be lost when you get there." Picking a career path boils down to a cost benefit analysis and a gut check. It is a game of reality versus passion, and you can start blazing a meaningful path in college.
But hopefully you can appreciate that every career has an arc, and you are at the beginning of the curve. Don't be surprised if your career direction changes significantly a few times before and after you reach the peak.
With that message in mind, here are my 10 tips for picking a career path in college:
1. Don't let anyone crush your dreams. However, the riskier your dream, the better your backup plan must be.
2. There is a huge difference between a childhood dream and a dream job. If you dreamed of being a lawyer since the age of twelve, you better make sure you know exactly what attorneys do on a given twelve hour work day. Did You Know: In a survey of 800 attorneys, only 55 percent reported being satisfied with their career.
3. Make sure your dream job is not an avocation (a hobby). An avocation is a vacation from a vocation, because the pay ranges from little to nothing.

Friday, August 3, 2012

10 Tips for Thriving in College Life

In today's Huffington Post, College Section...

Psychologists say that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. As a college professor, I strongly disagree. I believe that you can learn from the past, live in the present, and work on your future.

However, scientific research also reveals that the brain's impulse mechanism is not fully developed until around the age of 25. So if you do something incredibly stupid or irrational in your college life and don't know why, at least science is on your side!
With that message in mind, here are my 10 tips for thriving in college life:
1. Live up to and learn to exceed your own expectations, not those imposed on you by family, peers, or cultural images from television and the movies.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

10 Classroom Tips for Your First College Semester

Published in The Huffington Post College Section...

As a freshman, it is not only okay to have no idea what to major in, it's also a sign of an open mind to the diverse menu that college has to offer. Hopefully, you are choosing courses which seem interesting to you rather than classes that parents or peers say you have to take immediately.

To me, a college class is just like a Hollywood screenplay, with peaks, valleys, and escalating conflicts along the way. Your professor may be the writer, director, and critic, but you are the lead actor and protagonist who must navigate the obstacles and perform well on each test thrown at you. Try to keep in mind though, that professors are actually rooting for you to succeed. When you fail, they fail.
If you maintain a clear perspective and a healthy sense of humor, these classroom tips should help you through that first college semester:
  1. The first day of class is the most important session because it sets the tone for the semester. Rather than grabbing a syllabus, tuning out, and leaving, expect more from yourself that day. You have the power to stay in or drop the class, so intently gauge the course relevance, workload, and potential deliverables.
  2. Make a friend on the first day of class so you can swap class notes when needed. Even if the notes stink, you've made a new friend.
  3. Think twice before you post something about classes on Facebook or Twitter. It is unwise to tweet ugly thoughts, especially under the hash tag #BoredinClass. Your professors may actually be active on social networks.

Monday, July 30, 2012

"GoodReads" Book Giveaway: 99 Motivators for College Success


For "GoodReads" members...

Book Giveaway For 99 Motivators for College Success 
Giveaway through August 8, 2012
2 copies available

Click here to enter: