Friday, January 12, 2024

5-Star Readers' Favorite Book Review: Innovative College Teaching

January 10, 2024

Adaptability, enthusiasm, and a desire to constantly improve one's methods are the hallmarks of an effective teacher. With years of experience teaching law and ethics in business school, Perry Binder brings a comprehensive teaching guide to assist those in the teaching profession in finding creative ways to nurture and refine young minds and help them reach their fullest potential. In Innovative College Teaching, Binder shows readers how to make the first day of a class memorable, engage with students and make a lasting impression, improve one's teaching techniques and skills, prepare students for multiple choice and essay exams, and much more. Binder also emphasizes the importance of adopting new-age technology in classes, such as using AI to create interactive modules and write prompts, and integrating social media and other internet platforms into the curriculum to make the learning process dynamic.

It doesn't matter whether you're taking the first steps in your teaching career or are already an experienced veteran. Innovative College Teaching is a must-read for anyone who loves to teach regardless of their chosen subject/department. While the first part of the book focuses on Perry Binder's own teaching process that he has developed over the years in this profession, the second part contains interviews with different professors from the fields of law, science, arts, business, and technology, as they answer and offer their expert advice on five specific topics related to teaching and education. They talk about their inspiration to teach, their teaching methods, and how they continue to improve on their teaching techniques. This is an educational book for teachers to hone their skills further. I found it very informative, relevant, and motivational, and I highly recommend it. 

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

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