Friday, May 3, 2024

Another Kind Amazon Review of Innovative College Teaching Book

Although aimed at educators looking for “outside-of-the-box ideas” teaching college students, parents who want to inspire their children to enjoy higher education can benefit from it as well. As Perry Binder stated “Most of the books on college teaching are loaded with advice that tells you how to teach (Be passionate; Be flexible; Be yourself!), rather than show you by example how to teach.”

This book is presented in two parts: innovative teaching techniques and innovative master teachers. First, Binder (a licensed attorney who teaches law and business ethics to college students) discussed his teaching philosophy, online classes, artificial intelligence, exam prep, student engagement, and his college professor journey. Next he interviewed thirteen professors in the Education, Entrepreneurship, Law, Science, Technical Education, and Business departments.

The Appendix has useful anecdotes, pedagogy information, and sample classroom materials. The “Using AI to Develop Classroom Modules” highlights how the author uses his teaching method on emerging technologies.


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