Wednesday, December 28, 2022

College Teaching Workshops: Classroom LIGHTBULBS for College Professors

How to Engage Students with Fun, Impactful, and Practical Classes

THE CLASSROOM - In this interactive session, I will show you easy-to-replicate teaching methods: how I conduct the first day of class; the icebreaker technique I use to start every class; why I rarely use PowerPoint; interactive classroom modules; individual and team projects; extra credit projects; how to prepare students for multiple choice and essay exams; and an exam gift for graduating seniors.

Binder’s Reminders for Classroom Motivation

THE LIGHTBULBS - This session illustrates how to stay motivated and focused on classroom excellence.  The LIGHTBULBS acronym highlights ten universal qualities of master teachers.  Each letter of the LIGHTBULBS is supported with unique teaching perspectives on student engagement, compassion, and justice, as told through humorous, serious, and relatable stories from the classroom and life experiences.  These anecdotes serve as an easy way to remember to apply the acronym and get fired up to teach before walking into class.  You are prompted to think about your most memorable adventures from the classroom and beyond.  On days when you feel unmotivated to teach, re-read these notes as a reminder of the value you bring into the classroom and your students’ lives.

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