Friday, November 24, 2023

What did technology look like on campuses in 1999?


As we entered 1999, the internet was in its infancy for figuring out learning outcomes where computers could make a difference. I have no recollection on how this N.Y. Times reporter found me, but here's a quote from January 1999:

 "And many professors are incorporating technology into their classes, with 44 percent of courses using e-mail in some way, according to the Campus Computing Project survey; that number is up from 8 percent just four years ago. Take Perry Z. Binder, assistant professor and director of the paralegal program at Clayton College & State University in Morrow, Ga. Binder, who says he 'couldn't tell an A drive from a C drive before 1995,' today has his students use laptop computers in class to look up statutes. They can read the course syllabus online, and they can continue class discussions or ask questions in what Binder calls 'the Bull,' an electronic bulletin board he has set up for his students."

Universities Embrace Technology, but Distance Learning Faces Controversy, N.Y. Times (Jan. 6, 1999)

Friday, November 3, 2023

New book on College Teaching coming out in January


In Chapter 1, you caught a glimpse of my gifted artistic talent. Throughout the semester, I introduce main topics with hand-drawn pictures. For example, to begin the intellectual property material, I’ll ask the class what patented invention is displayed here. Incredulous students guess what the absurd picture is and it becomes a fun vehicle to generate discussion. And no, it is not a flying saucer. That would be silly.

Friday, September 1, 2023

2023 Book Awards for Classroom LIGHTBULBS for College Professors

   2023 Gold Medal E-Lit Book Award in Education/Academic/Teaching

             2023 Finalist Readers Favorite Book Award in Non-Fiction/Education

            #1 AMAZON NEW RELEASE in Pedagogy (Jan. 2023)

            “Much good advice from a very enthusiastic and imaginative teacher.” —JAY  MATHEWS, Washington Post education columnist


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

“Binder’s Reminders” for Classroom Motivation

 “Binder’s Reminders” for Classroom Motivation

Recall and write a quick story from your teaching career related to each corresponding letter of the LIGHTBULBS acronym. On days when you feel unmotivated, re-read those notes as a reminder of the value you bring to the classroom while enriching student lives.

Listen to all learners

            My Reminder: Open mind to open-note exams

Your Story Reminder:

Inspire students with real world discussions

            My Reminder: Chips all in moment

Your Story Reminder:

Give hope to everyone

            My Reminder: Graduation speech

Your Story Reminder:

 Help students engage through exaggeration and humor

            My Reminder: Limping Crazy Man

Your Story Reminder:

 Teach to your strengths

            My Reminder: Messing up the first class I ever taught

Your Story Reminder:

Be available at all times, whether in person or electronically

My Reminder: Student in prison

Your Story Reminder:

 Understand that students may lack your life experience or knowledge

            My Reminder: Read the car contract

Your Story Reminder:

 Let your passion rub off on students (today’s story)

            My Reminder: Buffalo Creek miners and Grandpa justice/Marsh Fork Elementary School

Your Story Reminder:

 Be willing to walk in your students’ shoes

            My Reminder: Student loses driver’s license

Your Story Reminder:

 Stay within yourself?

            My Reminder: Grandpa justice/Marsh Fork Elementary School, Part II

Your Story Reminder:


Book excerpt: Classroom LIGHTBULBS for College Professors (2023)

Perry Binder, J.D. is an award-winning author and professor at Georgia State University. He is a member of the Scientific Committee for the annual Future of Education conference in Florence, Italy, where he was invited twice as the closing keynote speaker. Each year from 2016-2022, Perry’s book, 99 Motivators for College Success (2012), was sent to hundreds of rising high school seniors nationwide, as part of the Book Award Program at Randolph College in Virginia.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Part II: Experimenting with ChatGPT in Class

This summer in Internet Law, I am tweaking my project below.  Not a dramatic change but a small step toward integrating AI into student projects.

How the Internet Changed Professions 

Understatement: The internet has changed how we do business, whether in the United States or worldwide.

Section A.  Use a free AI tool (I use the free version of ChatGPT 3.5) – figure out what prompt to use.  Choose ANY profession. Discuss how the internet has improved, complicated, revolutionized, and/or adversely impacted the profession and the people working in that profession. (500-700-ish words)

Section B.  Do not use AI.  In your own words, reflect on the information in Section A by agreeing or disagreeing with any of the points.  Then, conduct research on the web: Give specific examples of how the profession operated successfully in a pre-internet era versus a post-internet era.  In addition, identify how the legal knowledge learned in this course will benefit you if working in that profession. (3 full pages)

Section C.  Do not use AI.  Find one case in the news where some aspect of the profession relating to the internet is currently being litigated (or from the past that was litigated) in court. (whether at the pre-trial, trial, or appellate stage).  Give the facts of the case, the main issue/s involved, which party or parties you believe will prevail (and why) and how you believe this case will impact the future of the profession and/or the people working in the profession. (2 full pages)

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Experimenting with ChatGPT in Class


In Fall 2023, I am teaching Consumer Law & Advocacy again.  Instead of having students write a demand letter from scratch using a template, I will have them generate one with ChatGPT 3.5.  Then, instead of filling out a small claims court complaint form, they will use AI to write a professional complaint.  Finally, I will generate Mediation scenarios using AI, with separate facts for each side in our simulations.  

Stay tuned!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Speaking with High School Students about College

Great time speaking at LaunchGSU with students from Northview High School about law issues and going to #college

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Prominent Authors Reading Classroom LIGHTBULBS

Many thanks to award-winning authors, Honey Parker and  Blaine Parker, for taking the time to read the book!

All - Check out the Careful-ish Series (Honey) and Free the Pizza! (Blaine)

Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday Motivation: Actual Questions Students Asked Me in Class


Sometimes people don’t always know when you’re joking!  These are actual questions that students have asked me in class: 
“Are you a member of an organized crime family?” 
“Are you really in the witness protection program?” 
“Have you ever killed someone?” 
“Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 and buns in 8?”  

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Student Prisoner Stories from Classroom LIGHTBULBS book


My student, “Betty,” was arrested after attending a Tone Lōc concert. She unknowingly wound up as a passenger in an allegedly stolen vehicle. The next morning, I received a phone call from Betty’s grandmother asking me to bail out her granddaughter. 

After getting the cash from grandma, I went to the county jail where the guard took me to a dim and dank holding cell. I was looking all lawyerly with my blue pinstripe suit and sharp leather shoes and briefcase. Another guard escorted Betty into the cell. Her hair was disheveled, a stiletto was missing from one shoe, and she looked frazzled. 

I said: “Betty, we have two options, I could get you out of here now, or” – as I reached into my briefcase – “right now, you can take the Midterm Exam that you missed last week.” 

Betty’s reaction? “Get me the frick out of here!” 

Ninety minutes after the exam commenced, Betty was set free. I’ll let you judge for yourself how true the prior sentence is. 

Always remember: It’s good to be the prof.

Excerpt (pages 83-84) Classroom LIGHTBULBS